What is a CSA? 

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  

How does the CSA work?

When you become a member of The Solly Family CSA, you will receive a variety of home grown fruits, vegetables, baked goods and preserves. You will pick up your shares at the farm on Wednesdays or Thursdays from beginning f June to the end October. Full share members will pick up every week, while half share members pick up every other week. We have also started Mini-Shares! These are perfect for 1-2 people. Available as full or half shares. This assures you that your family will receive the freshest produce grown in Bucks County, while you support a local farm and family.  

What are the differences between The Solly Family CSA and the others? 

We believe that The Solly Family CSA offers several advantages when compared to other CSA’s and most types of produce outlets.

      You support a local family owned and operated farm

      You will ensure that your family is eating the freshest locally grown, handpicked produce available.

      The cost of our CSA is lower than many others, while the variety of products is greater.

      In addition to vegetables, we grow the freshest tree ripened fruits, including apples, pears, nectarines, cherries and our specialty peaches. Your shares will also include vine ripened melons, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries.

      Your shares will periodically include fresh our fresh baked goods and preserves. This will include cider, donuts, pies, cookies, breads, butters, and our sauces.

      Potted plants, cut flowers and herbs add to the variety. Rest assured you won’t be receiving the same items every week.

Is information about the farms growing practices available? 

We encourage people to come to the farm as often as possible. During the summer and fall we have Pick-Your-Own opportunities. 

Does your Farm use Sustainable farming practices? 

Sustainability is a word tossed around a lot lately. As you can see, we've been farming for over a century in Bucks County, at our current location since 1920 and in Tyler Park before that. Through several generations we have always striven to produce the best quality produce, while leaving the smallest environmental footprint possible. Currently we employ an integrated crop production system which uses techniques like No-Till, Pheromone mating disruption, Degree day calculations, insect trapping and exclusion, field scouting and Forecast models. Next season we will begin growing organic vegetables on 2 acres that have been set aside for the past 10 years. In the future we will always strive to do even more.

Do we have to work at the farm like some other CSA’s require? 

The short answer is no. However, you are always welcome to visit and pick at our U-pick events, join us for one of our breakfasts during the summer, or come to any of our family oriented events. For those who want to get their hands dirty, we have a job for you. For the last several years we have been growing a charitable garden of about 2-4 acres. Several times during the summer and fall, we will need help harvesting crops like broccoli, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and more. These crops go to the great people at Philabundance and Rolling Harvest Food Rescue 

What specific crops are grown that may be included in my share? 

For the answer, check out our crops page on our website. We grow just about everything that can be grown in our area, from Apples to Zucchini.  

What does it cost to become a member? 

Full Share cost $600 for 24 weeks 
Half Share cost $340 for 12 weeks
Full Mini Share cost $375 for 24 weeks
Half Mini Share cost $220 for 12 weeks

How do I join? 

Just stop by the farm during our regular business hours or visit our online store to sign up!  

If you have any other questions, please call 215-378-6679.

Sign up for our 2022 CSA season is going on now! Sign up in store or online by clicking Here 
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)